The unique Touch Technology supports an unlimited number of touches. It will perform flawlessly even when every guest sitting at the table is enthusiastically exploring all the hands-on possibilities. Touch Technology allows for the enjoyment of CPDirect technology without limits.

Touch Technology instantly distinguishes the subtle differences between every hand and object placed on the tabletop, and then effortlessly delivers the most innovative method of communication with the interactive table.

CPDirect will change how customers pay with breakthrough contact-less payment technology (or credit card), with our unique security features built right into the device. So now customers can use their smartphones or credit cards to pay in a simple, safe and completely secure method.

Use a QR code for easy access to your customer account and instantly receive discounts and Facebook data, or simply share photos with your friends online.

You needn’t be overloaded with any current set of applications, now or ever. CPDirect is a flexible, evolving platform, and thanks to the Software Developing Coding Kit, you can make your own applications (including games) to run on a personalized Interactive Dining Table.

A modern, updated, fresh and inspiring atmosphere will increase visitor flow dramatically. With a new interactive restaurant table you’ll be able to easily create the “big buzz” every local community constantly craves! So prepare to become the new dining “destination” in the neighborhood scene.

CPDirect will bring near limitless possibilities when it comes to dominating local events. With the vivid visual impression that an CPDirect can create, businesses can take it to new levels in terms of hosting birthday parties, corporate anniversaries and weddings. Decorate any space with the customer’s personalized photos using the optional wall projection technology, show thematic slide shows and videos/movies on tables, or run games and competitions between tables. Imagination is now the only limit!

With CPDirect technology, everyone can control an absolutely new and unbelievably powerful advertising channel. It’s like broadcasting your own TV channel, but with even more control. You can sell to your visitors outside your doors access to goods and services inside and still make money. CPDirect will allow you to increase your raw income by up to 25%, which will definitely look good on your bottom line.

Think about the CPDirect as a powerful and tireless sales machine that never sleeps! Don’t limit yourself to food. Now you can sell almost anything—consider games, gifts, any types of discounts, gift certificates or tourist packages. Your guests can now book rooms in hotels, order taxis straight to the door, or even purchase vacation packages—and your business will get a percentage of each transaction!